Eden Valley is home to a fantastic variety of animals and birds. They are spread over our 26 acres from the nightingales that can be heard in the dense undergrowth, the deer that wander amongst the woods and grasslands to the kingfishers that visit our ponds. By interring a loved one, or buying your plot at Eden Valley, you are helping to preserve this habitat for wildlife and for future generations to enjoy. On a visit to a Eden Valley here are a few of the animals and birds and that you may be lucky enough to see or hear.

Nightingales – The males can be heard in the spring when they are trying to attract a mate. You are very unlikely to see them as they hide in deep thicket.
Blue tits, Great tits and Long Tailed tits – Present all year round, they generally fly in groups and are constantly chattering.
Red Robin – The most inquisitive of birds, often seen around the open areas of the site.
Song thrush – Another bird you are unlikely to see but you can hear the males when they are in mating season.
Chiff Chaff – One of the easiest birds to recognize through its call, as its name says, a chiff chaff sound.
Great Spotted Woodpecker – Drumming on trees to find grubs, tells you there is a woodpecker in the woods.
Kingfisher – At the pond you may be very lucky to catch a fleeting glimpse of this beautiful bird.
Moorhen – A pair of moorhens have made the pond at Eden Valley their home and each year they have raised chicks here.
Barn Owl – If you are at Eden Valley around dusk you may be lucky enough to see but not hear the regal white feathers of this predator as it hunts in silence for food.
Kestrel – Often seen hovering over the grasslands looking for mice and voles.
Deer – There are both Fallow and Roe deer at Eden Valley, which even if you don’t see them you can often see their tracks in the ground.
Rabbits – Best seen early in the morning or in the evening.
Grass Snake – Very rarely seen as they stay hidden but also completely harmless to humans.
Fox – Unlike urban foxes our foxes are not used to humans and will run and hide when they see people.

We are always interested to know what people have seen at Eden Valley, so if you do spot something unusual or interesting on a visit please tell us as it helps to build a picture of what we are protecting.